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Street School

Biglife started street schools for the people living in the slums of Kolkata where hundreds of families live in makeshift shelters. We have many children enrolled in schools. The inhabitants are mostly rag pickers, and beggers who make their living out of garbage bins and who are addicted to substance abuse.

Most of these families  have felt the anxiety of being lost in a maze,with no idea where to go in their lives. But sometimes this fog of uncertainty can be replaced by a creeping sensation that every path is a dead-end.

For too many people living in the streets, life has gone from discouragment to hopelessness.

Biglife started a  school in the Dhapa ( E.M. Bypass) area with the very basic level of education, literacy Classes, Basic health Education and manners, Safety Measures coupled with extra curricular activities.

We are proud to share that since last year, most of the children enrolled in our school have never had an opportunity to be educated.  They are now getting the basic education in our street schools to enable them to continue their education in government schools

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